Sunday, May 22, 2011

More roughing-out on the trout

I took off most of the wood on the sides of the fish. I've made the tail curve out slightly to the fish's left. If you're wondering why the dorsal fin on the top is not centred, it's because my piece of basswood is narrower than the original trout I am copying, so I'm effectively leaving off part of the right side of it's body. I plan to mount that side of the carving onto a board of some kind, so the missing "slice" isn't so important.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tools used on the trout

I finished the outer profile of the trout. Here are the main tools I used to rough it out so far: Warren knife, Mike Shipley knife, Allen Goodman knife, Helvie knife, large chizel, try-square, pencil, rasp, coping saw, Flexcut carving jack, Kirschen (Two Cherries) gouge, Pfeil (Swiss Made) V-tool, leather strop and Flexcut stropping compound.